Articles on: Klip Features

Controlling Coupon Combinations

Learn how to maximize your coupon strategy by precisely controlling which coupons can be combined. This guide covers how to set up combinations between individual Klip coupons and how to manage interactions between Klip coupons and Shopify discounts.

Manage Klip Coupons from combining with other Klip Coupons

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

In your Klip Dashboard, either create a new coupon or click the name of an existing coupon you wish to modify.

2. Configure Coupon Combination Settings

Ensure the coupon type is set to either "Product Discount" or "Order Discount."

Check the box labeled "Combine discount with other Klip order discounts" or "Combine discount with other Klip product discounts" (depending on the coupon type). This setting controls whether the current Klip coupon can be combined with other Klip coupons.

Product Discounts
Order Discounts

Managing Combinations with Shopify Discounts

The Klip combination setting above only affects interactions between Klip coupons. To prevent Shopify discounts from combining with your Klip coupons, follow these steps:

Navigate to your Shopify Discounts dashboard.

Edit the Shopify discount you wish to restrict from combining with Klip coupons.

Scroll down to the "Combinations" section.
Uncheck the discount types you do not want this Shopify discount to combine with. This is where you would prevent this discount from combining with other Klip discounts under the chosen discount types.
For example if you don't a product discount to combine with a Klip order discount, you would make sure the "Order discount" setting is unchecked.

Updated on: 12/02/2025

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