Articles on: Klip Features

How to Create a Shipping Discount

Offering shipping discounts is an excellent way to incentivize customers to complete their purchases. You can create a coupon that applies discounts to shipping costs, such as free shipping or a percentage off the shipping fee. Follow the steps below to set up a shipping discount coupon.

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

2. Select the Coupon Type

Under the Coupon Info section, find the Coupon Type dropdown menu.
Choose Shipping Discount from the list of options.

3. Configure the Shipping Discount

Once you have selected Shipping Discount, additional fields will appear for you to customize the discount:

Discount Type: Choose a percentage off the shipping cost or set to 100% to offer free shipping
Set Maximum Value for Shipping Discount: If you’re offering a percentage off the shipping cost, you can set a maximum discount value. This ensures that the discount does not exceed a specified amount, even if the percentage calculation would make it higher. (optional).

4. Set Eligibility & Target

Navigate to the Eligibility & Target section if you want to set specific conditions for who can use the shipping discount.
You can target all customers, specific logged-in customers, or customers with certain tags.

5. Adjust Coupon Language

Go to the Coupon Design section and update the coupon language to clearly reflect the type of shipping discount being offered. For example, if you are offering free shipping, update the label text to say “Free Shipping on Your Order!” or “Get Free Shipping.”
This step ensures that customers immediately understand the offer, reducing any confusion.

6. Save the Coupon Settings

Click Save to apply the changes. Your shipping discount coupon is now ready to be used.

7. Verify the Shipping Discount

Test the coupon by adding products to the cart and proceeding to checkout. Ensure that the shipping discount is applied as expected based on the criteria you set.

Additional Tips

Combine with Product Discounts: Use shipping discounts alongside product discounts to create compelling offers, such as “10% off + Free Shipping.”
Highlight in Promotions: Make sure to highlight shipping discounts in your marketing emails, banners, or social media posts to attract more customers.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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