Articles on: Klip Features

How to Display Coupons on the Homepage and Other Non-Product Pages

Displaying coupons on non-product pages, such as the homepage, is an excellent way to promote specific discounts and offers to customers as soon as they enter your store. By using the Klip App Coupon Block, you can showcase coupons on various sections like featured products or promotional banners, even if they are not directly on a product page. Follow the steps below to add a coupon to your non-product pages.

1. Add the Klip App Coupon Block

Go to your Shopify theme editor and navigate to the non-product page where you want to display the coupon, such as the homepage.

Add a block to the section where you want to display the coupon (e.g., featured product section, promotional area) and select the Klip App Coupon Block from the list of available blocks.

2. Select the Product for the Coupon Display

Click on the Klip App Coupon Block you just added to configure its settings.
Manually select the product for which you want to display the coupon. This feature allows you to highlight specific products with active discounts on non-product pages, making it easy for customers to see and apply the offer.

3. Customize the Block Settings

Adjust the positioning of the coupon block (recommend above the Add to Cart button).

4. Save and Preview the Changes

Click Save to apply the changes, and preview your store to ensure that the coupon is displayed correctly on the homepage or other non-product pages.
Test the block’s functionality by clicking on the coupon to verify that it links to the correct product page or applies the discount as intended.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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