Articles on: Klip Features

How to Display Remaining Uses for a Coupon

Displaying the remaining uses for a coupon is a great way to create a sense of urgency and encourage customers to take action before the offer runs out. This feature allows customers to see how many times a coupon can be redeemed before it expires. Follow the steps below to set this up:

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

2. Set the Usage Limit

Under the Eligibility & Target section, enable the "Limit number of times this coupon can be used in total" option.
Enter the total number of times this coupon can be used across all customers. This limit will determine how many times the coupon can be redeemed before it becomes inactive.

3. Enable the Coupon Limit Reminder

Go to the Coupon Design section and click on "Coupon Limit Reminder".
Enable this option to display a reminder on the product page showing the remaining number of times the coupon can be used.

4. Customize the Reminder Text

You can customize the text that appears with the coupon limit reminder. For example, you can change the message to “Hurry! Only X uses left!” to add urgency.
Make sure the text is clear and encourages customers to use the coupon before it runs out.

5. Save the Coupon Settings

Click Save to apply the changes. The coupon will now display the remaining uses on the product page, informing customers how many redemptions are left.

6. Verify the Remaining Uses Display

Visit your store’s product page to verify that the remaining uses for the coupon are being displayed correctly. Make sure the message updates as the coupon is used.

Additional Tips

Test the Display: Make a test purchase to ensure the remaining uses update correctly. Refresh the product page to verify that the reminder reflects the updated count.
Combine with Countdown Timer: You can use the remaining uses reminder alongside a countdown timer to create a double sense of urgency for customers.
Promote Limited Availability: Highlight the limited availability in your marketing campaigns to attract more customers to take advantage of the offer before it’s gone.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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