Articles on: Klip Features

How to Limit Total Coupon Order Redemptions (Setting Maximum Discount Uses)

Klip Coupons allows you to set limits on how many times a coupon can be redeemed, either for individual products in an order or across all customers. This guide will walk you through the two main options available to control coupon redemptions and help you optimize your discount strategy.

1. Access the Coupon Settings
Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on an existing coupon to edit its settings.

2. Navigate to the Eligibility & Target Section
Scroll down to the Eligibility & Target section of the coupon settings. Here, you can find the options to set limits for your coupons.

3. Limit the Total Number of Times Coupon can be Redeemed
This option lets you control how many times the coupon can be used in total across all customers.

Enable the Option: Check the box next to Limit number of times this coupon can be used in total.
Set the Limit: Enter the maximum number of times this coupon can be redeemed by all customers combined. For example, setting this to "500" means the coupon can only be used 500 times in total.

3. Enable the Remaining Uses Display
Once you have set the total coupon limit, the remaining coupon uses will automatically display beneath the coupon on your product page, showing something like “500 coupons remaining.”
Optional: If you do not want to display the remaining uses, uncheck the "Show Remaining Uses" option under the Coupon Design section.

4. Customize the Display Text
You can customize the message that appears, such as “Only {remaining} coupons left!” to better match your store's tone and style.
Click on the text box and enter your preferred message, using the {remaining} variable to dynamically show the remaining coupon count.

4. Save and Test Your Coupon
After configuring your preferred limits, click the Save button at the bottom of the settings page. Test the coupon on your store to ensure it behaves as expected based on your settings.

Additional Tips

Display Remaining Uses: You can show the remaining uses for a coupon by enabling the Remaining Uses Display feature in the coupon design settings. This will inform customers how many redemptions are left, creating urgency.

Combine with Other Conditions: Use coupon limits along with other eligibility criteria, such as minimum spend or customer tags, for more targeted promotions.

Updated on: 25/09/2024

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