Articles on: Klip Features

How to Schedule Start and End Dates for a Coupon

Scheduling start and end dates for your coupons allows you to control exactly when your promotions are active, making it easier to plan marketing campaigns and seasonal discounts. Follow these steps to set up a schedule for your coupons.

1. Access Your Klip Dashboard

Log in to your Shopify Admin Dashboard and navigate to the Klip Coupons app.

2. Create or Edit a Coupon

To schedule a coupon, either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

3. Navigate to the Coupon Info Section

In the coupon setup or edit page, scroll down to the Coupon Info section.
Here, you will find various settings related to the coupon, including the option to schedule the start and end dates.

4. Set the Start Date

In the Schedule section, select the desired start date for your coupon. This is when the coupon will become active and available for customers to use.
Use the calendar picker to choose the exact date and time you want the coupon to start.

5. (Optional) Set the End Date

If you want the coupon to expire automatically, you can also set an end date.
Use the calendar picker to choose the date and time when the coupon will no longer be valid. If you do not set an end date, the coupon will remain active until you manually disable it.

6. Save Your Changes

Once you’ve set the start and end dates, click Save to apply the changes to the coupon.

7. Review the Schedule

Double-check the schedule to ensure the coupon will activate and deactivate at the intended times.
If needed, you can return to the Schedule section to adjust the dates and times at any point.

Additional Tips

Plan Ahead: Use the scheduling feature to plan promotions for holidays, sales events, or product launches.
Test the Activation: If possible, test the coupon activation to ensure it starts and ends as scheduled.
Time Zones: Be mindful of time zones when scheduling, especially if your store serves customers from different regions.

Updated on: 22/09/2024

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