Articles on: Klip Features

How to Set Product Limits for Coupons

Setting product limits for your Klip Coupons is a great way to control how many products in a single order can benefit from the discount. For example, you can limit the coupon to apply only to the first product added to the cart or to the first three products and exclude the rest. Here’s how to set it up:

1. Access Your Klip Dashboard
Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on an existing coupon that you want to edit.

2. Set a Per-Product Limit
Navigate to the Eligibility & Target section.
Find and enable the "Set a per-product coupon limit for each order" option.
Enter the maximum number of products in a single order that can receive the coupon discount. For example, enter 1 if you want the coupon to apply only to the first product added to the cart. Enter 3 if you want the coupon to apply to the first three products added to the cart, and not the rest.

3. Save and Preview
Click Save at the top right corner of the Klip Dashboard to apply your changes.
Go to your store and add multiple products to the cart to test how the limit is being applied. The discount should only be applied to the number of products specified in the coupon settings.

4. Customize Messaging (Optional)
Use the Coupon Details Popover feature to provide a brief explanation about the product limit directly on the product page. For example, you can include a note like: "This coupon applies only to the first 3 items in your cart."
This helps avoid confusion and ensures customers understand how the coupon works before proceeding to checkout.

5. Update as Needed
You can revisit this setting anytime to adjust the product limit based on your promotion requirements.
For special events or high-demand products, consider lowering the limit to create exclusivity and urgency.

Updated on: 25/09/2024

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