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How to Show Coupons Based on UTM Traffic Source

Using UTM targeting, you can show specific coupons to customers based on their traffic source. This is a powerful way to personalize promotions and target specific campaigns. Follow the steps below to set up UTM-based coupon targeting.

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

To set up UTM targeting, either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

2. Navigate to the Eligibility & Target Section

In the coupon setup or edit page, click on the Eligibility & Target tab.

3. Enable UTM Targeting

Scroll down until you find the UTM Targeting setting.
Toggle on the Enable UTM Targeting option.

4. Enter Your UTM Source

In the field provided, enter the specific UTM source you want to target. This source will be the unique identifier in the URL that triggers the coupon display. For example, you can use "facebook", "google", or "email_campaign" as the UTM source.
This means the coupon will only appear when the user visits your store using a URL with the specified UTM parameter.

5. Save the Coupon Settings

Click Save to apply your changes. This will activate the UTM targeting for your coupon.

6. Test the UTM Targeting

To ensure the UTM targeting is working correctly, follow these steps:

Without UTM Parameter:

Go to your product page without adding any UTM parameter, e.g.,
The coupon should not appear on this page.

With UTM Parameter:

Add the UTM source to the end of your product URL, e.g.,
The coupon should now appear on this page, indicating that the UTM targeting is working correctly.

Additional Tips

Use Multiple UTM Sources: You can add multiple UTM sources separated by commas to show the coupon for different campaigns, e.g., facebook,google,email_campaign.
Test with Different Sources: Create test URLs with different UTM parameters to ensure your coupon appears for the intended sources.
Combine with Other Targeting Options: UTM targeting can be combined with other targeting options like customer tags or emails for more granular control.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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