Articles on: Klip Features

How to Show Redeemable Coupons on the Cart Page

Redeemable coupons on the cart page allow your customers to easily apply discounts directly from their shopping cart, helping increase conversions and improve the shopping experience. Follow the steps below to enable and customize this feature in your store.

1. Navigate to Klip Coupon Settings

Open Klip Coupons app in Shopify.
In the left hand side menu, click on Settings underneath the Klip Coupons app.

2. Access the Cart Page Settings

In the Klip Coupons settings menu, find and click on the Cart Page section.
Scroll down until you see the Clip Coupon Button section. This is where you can enable and customize the cart page coupon feature.

3. Enable the "Allow coupon clip action on cart" option

Toggle on the setting labeled Allow coupon clip action on cart. This will enable the functionality for customers to clip coupons directly from the cart page.

4. Enable the "Show coupon badge on cart" option

Just above the coupon clip action setting, you will see the option to Show coupon badge on cart. Make sure to enable this as well.
This feature displays a banner on the cart page confirming that the coupon has been clipped, providing clear feedback to customers. Without this, the coupon box may disappear without any indication that the coupon was applied.

5. Customize the Cart Page Coupons

You can customize how the coupon button appears on the cart page to match your store’s branding and optimize the user experience:

Edit Text: Modify the text displayed on the coupon button and badge. For example, you can use phrases like “Clip Coupon” or “Redeem Discount.”
Color and Font Styles: Adjust the color and font styles of the button and badge to align with your store’s design and enhance visibility.

6. Preview and Save Your Changes

After making your customizations, click the Preview button to see how the coupon button will look and function on the cart page.
Once you’re satisfied with the setup, click Save to apply your changes.

7. Test the Cart Page Coupon Feature

Go to your store’s cart page and add a product to the cart.
You should see the coupon button displayed as configured. Click the button to test the clipping action and ensure the discount is applied correctly.

Additional Tips

Use Clear Call-to-Action Text: Make sure the button text is clear and encourages action, like “Get 10% Off” or “Apply Discount.”
Combine with Product Page Coupons: Use this feature in combination with product page coupons to boost average order value and conversion rates.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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