Articles on: Klip Features

Setting Minimum Spend & Minimum Quantity Conditions

Minimum spend and minimum quantity conditions help you control the usage of your coupons, ensuring that customers meet certain criteria before they can redeem a discount. This feature is particularly useful for upselling or encouraging larger purchases. Follow the steps below to set up these conditions:

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

2. Navigate to the Eligibility Section

Under the Eligibility & Target section, scroll down until you reach the Eligibility settings.

3. Enable Minimum Spend Conditions

Toggle on the Minimum spend conditions option. This will allow you to set the requirements for the coupon to be applied.

4. Choose Between Minimum Quantity or Minimum Amount

Minimum Quantity of Items Required: Set the minimum number of items that must be in the cart for the coupon to apply. This is useful for encouraging customers to purchase more items.
Minimum Amount Required: Set the minimum total cart value that must be reached before the coupon can be applied. This helps boost average order value.

5. Specify the Condition Value

Enter the required number of items or minimum cart amount in the provided field based on your selection.
Make sure the value you set aligns with your promotion goals, such as increasing the cart size or offering a discount for higher-value purchases.

6. Save the Coupon Settings

Click Save to apply the changes. Your coupon will now only be applicable if the set conditions are met.

7. Verify the Conditions

Test the coupon on your store by adding products to the cart and checking if the coupon is applied correctly when the conditions are met.
Ensure that the coupon does not apply when the conditions are not met, preventing misuse.

Additional Tips

Use the Coupon Popover Function: Display more details to customers about the terms of the coupon directly on the product page using the coupon popover feature in Klip. This helps customers understand the minimum spend or quantity requirements and improves their shopping experience.
Use with Free Shipping: Combine minimum spend conditions with free shipping offers to further encourage customers to reach a higher cart value.
Promote Conditions Clearly: Make sure to clearly state the minimum spend or quantity requirements in your marketing campaigns to avoid confusion and increase effectiveness.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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