Articles on: Getting Started

Configuring Eligibility Settings for Coupons

Coupon eligibility settings allow you to control who can see and use your coupons, providing a way to create targeted promotions and reward specific customer groups. This feature is essential for creating personalized offers, setting conditions for coupon use, and enhancing customer segmentation. Follow the steps below to set up coupon eligibility.

1. Create or Edit a Coupon

Go to your Klip Dashboard and either create a new coupon or click on the name of an existing coupon that you want to modify.

2. Navigate to the Eligibility & Target Section

Under the Eligibility & Target section, you’ll find a range of settings to customize who can use your coupon and under what conditions.

3. Customer Eligibility Settings

All Customers: The coupon is visible and applicable to all visitors of your store.
All Logged-in Customers: Only customers who are logged into their accounts can see and use the coupon.
Specific Customers: Target the coupon to specific customers based on email addresses or customer tags.

4. Exclude Customers

Use this setting to exclude certain customers from using the coupon, even if they meet other eligibility criteria. You can exclude by:

Customer Emails: Enter specific email addresses to exclude.
Customer Tags: Use tags to exclude groups of customers (e.g., customers who have already used a similar coupon).

5. Maximum Discount Uses

Per-Product Limit: Set a per-product coupon limit for each order. Useful for limiting the number of times a coupon can be applied to the same product in a single order.
Total Limit: Limit the total number of times this coupon can be used across all customers before it expires.

6. Minimum Purchase Requirements

No Minimum Requirement: The coupon can be used without any purchase conditions.
Minimum Purchase Amount: Set a minimum order value that must be met for the coupon to be applied.
Minimum Quantity of Items: Require customers to purchase a minimum number of items to use the coupon.

7. Custom Targeting

UTM Source Targeting: Display coupons on the product page only when the URL contains a specific UTM source (e.g., utm_source=facebook).

8. Save the Coupon Settings

Click Save to apply your eligibility and targeting settings. The coupon will now behave according to the conditions you have set.

9. Verify the Coupon Eligibility

Test the coupon with different customer accounts and scenarios to ensure it’s working as intended. Make sure the coupon appears only to the intended audience and meets all the set conditions.

Updated on: 21/09/2024

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