Articles on: Coupon Issues?

Coupon Not Working with the Buy Now Button? Here's How to Fix It

If your coupon isn’t applying correctly when customers use the Buy Button, it’s likely due to missing API permissions required to modify checkout details. This guide will walk you through setting up the necessary permissions to ensure your Klip Coupons work seamlessly with the Buy Button.

1. Search for “Apps” in the Shopify Admin Dashboard:

In your Shopify Admin Dashboard, type “Apps” in the search bar and click on it.

2. Allow Custom App Development:

Click on “Allow Custom App Development”. This permission is required to create a custom app that can modify checkout details.

3. Create a Custom App:

Click on “Create an App”. This custom app will allow you to configure the necessary API permissions.

4. Name Your App:

Give your app a meaningful name like “Klip Buy Button Integration”.

5. Configure Storefront API Scopes:

Click on “Configure Storefront API Scopes” to set up the required permissions for modifying checkouts.

6. Check “Read and Modify Checkouts”:

Under the Storefront API scopes, enable “Read and Modify Checkouts” to allow your custom app to apply coupons during the checkout process.

7. Install the App:

Click on “Install App” to finalize the setup and gain the necessary API access.

8. Copy the API Access Token:

Once the app is installed, copy the API Access Token. This token is required to link the custom app to Klip Coupons.

9. Go to Klip Coupons' Settings:

Open the Klip Coupons Settings -> Advanced Settings and paste your Storefront API token in the "Dynamic Checkout Button compatibility" field to enable the integration.

10. Verify the Integration:

After saving the API token, test the integration by applying a coupon on a product page and clicking the Buy Button. Ensure the coupon is applied at checkout. If the coupon does not appear, clear your browser cache and try again or test in incognito mode to eliminate any caching issues.

Note: This process is compatible with the regular implementation of the Buy Now button. For the Express Checkout button, we are still working on this integration and will provide updates as soon as it becomes available.

Updated on: 25/09/2024

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